Driver in deadly hit-and-run accident remanded to prison

Driver in deadly hit-and-run accident remanded to prison
hit-and-run accident that killed two persons on the No.70 public road, was remanded to prison on Tuesday.

Vivendra Ramdharry, 37, of No. 69 Village, Upper Corentyne, was charged with two counts of causing death by dangerous driving, two counts of failure to render assistance and failure to report an accident.

He was not required to plead to the two counts of causing death but pleaded not guilty to the other charges and bail was refused.

The car involved in the deadly accident

Ramdharry was charged with causing the deaths of pedestrians Tony Lakeram, 20, of No.71 Squatting Area, Upper Corentyne and Felicia Fernandes, 28, of lot 14 Coverden, East Bank Demerara on Friday last.

Ramdharry appeared at the Springlands Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Alex Moore. He was represented by attorney-at-law Bernard Da Silva and was remanded to prison until April 14.

Following the accident, Ramdharry fled the scene. Police caught him the next day hiding in a house at Kitty, Georgetown while the car – a white Suzuki Escudo (PVV 1015) – was found parked in Ramdharry’s yard.

The News Room understands that the police are looking for a second vehicle that reportedly struck one of the victims after the first accident.

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