Mahendra ‘Raj’ Boodhoo is new GMR&SC President

Mahendra ‘Raj’ Boodhoo is new GMR&SC President
Mahendra Boodhoo

Boodhoo continued, “We are looking forward to your support and your voices,” adding that, “if you have ideas then we are here to listen to them and once they come with possible solutions then we will obviously look at them. Once they are structured and put on the record then we will deal with them.”

Mohamed Shiraz Roshandin is the new Vice-President, while Azim Jaffar returns as Secretary and Chetram Singh takes over as Treasurer. The Assistant Secretary/Treasurer remains Azaad Hassan with the Technical Advisor being Joel Evans.

The new Committee Members are Mark Vieira, Gavin Guyadin, Roshan Ali and John Chin. The Club also adopted the financial report of the previous year and retained Ramesh Seebarran as the Auditor.

Hitting the ground running

Meanwhile the new committee plans to hit the ground running, addressing several concerns from members present about the current state of sections of the track.

“During this week, the new executive will take a trip to the track to firstly examine what we are working with and then move forward. I know a lot of you raised complaints with some sections of the track and we will see how best we can sort that,” the GMR&SC president said.

The question was also asked of the dates for events published earlier this year, and whether they will remain the same.

The new GMR&SC boss opined that while there might be changes, it will be communicated during the remainder of this week to ensure that there are no disenfranchised competitors.

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