He emphasised the importance of the training and stated that it is a step in the right direction as the country prepares for the introduction of fast-charging stations for electric vehicles in Regions Three, Four and Six this year.
“Having a cadre of trained and certified mechanics and auto-technicians in electric vehicle maintenance and repairs would give existing and potential vehicle owners additional confidence in the reliability of this technology. Proper maintenance will also ensure the longevity of these types of vehicles in a healthy and safe environment.”
The Prime Minister explained about the importance of adequate human resource capability and said that the Government is committed to developing its human capital.
“As a country, we need to develop our human resources to drive a sustainable energy transition through continuous capacity building, training, public awareness, and education programmes. This workshop has contributed to boosting the country’s human capital to support such a transition.”
Out of 44 persons who applied, 12 persons were selected for this initial workshop. (Press release from the Office of the Prime Minister)